Freedom’s Renaissance: Reviving a Culture of Liberty

Culture is a term that refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behaviours shared by a particular group or society. It encompasses the knowledge, art, language, philosophy, and social institutions that characterise a group of individuals. Culture can only be alive to the extent that people practice it. Cultural changes don’t happen by chance, and culture is always changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but it is always people who are acting to change the culture or to preserve it.

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Freedom’s Renaissance: Reviving a Culture of Liberty

Culture is a term that refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behaviours shared by a particular group or society. It encompasses the knowledge, art, language, philosophy, and social institutions that characterise a group of individuals. Culture can only be alive to the extent that people practice it. Cultural changes don’t happen by chance, and culture is always changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but it is always people who are acting to change the culture or to preserve it.

Let’s Train to Take the Train to Liberty

Javier Milei has now been elected for a quarter and the whole world could see how strongly he talks. Strongly in two ways. In his wording, first. He probably is the first president of a significant country who names the leftists like what they truly are: Evil. But more importantly, more to the point of this paper, Javier Milei is strong in his words by the soundness of his arguments. And it is easy to witness: very few people dare to argue against him, very few will counter-argue on inflation, for instance.

Socialism is a “natural” force of attraction (and not a rational argument)

Socialism is fundamentally a “natural” force of attraction, and in no way a rational argument. Socialism is like gravity. It is indeed the path of least immediate effort (according to several criteria), the line of steepest immediate slope, and therefore a considerable force of attraction.

The Libertarian Revolution

Libertarianism is growing and is becoming mainstream. The first libertarian president in History has been elected in Argentina, Javier Milei, giving even more visibility to the ideas of liberty. But the fact that presidents and other politicians that declare themselves libertarian are being elected is merely a consequence of a revolution that has been taking place for much longer than that.

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The Overton Window

The basic idea behind the Overton Window is that there is a range of ideas that are considered politically feasible or acceptable, and that this range is not fixed but can shift over time. At any given moment, there are some ideas that are widely accepted, some that are controversial, and some that are considered outside the mainstream.

Public Education – A socialist fetish

Much is said about education. In fact, it seems that saying that ‘education is the solution for the world’ is, alongside various forms of entertainment, in a hedonistic society, unanimous. I intend to question the reason for this fetish for education, but first I want to question why people turn to the worst means of realising this fantasy, the state.

Cars in Free European Cities

Liberty respecters throughout the world have a bit of a love affair with cars, indeed it appears rather similar to the love affair which liberty disrespecters have with centrally planned golem conveyors. But is it just as dumb?

Time Preference

In the 19th century the Austrian Economist, Bohm Bawerk, introduced what we now know as time preference. In Bawerk’s words: “Present goods are always of more value than future goods of the same kind and quantity.”

The ECB is raising rates, but it is also committed to buying more government bonds

Like the Fed, the ECB is just pretending to fight the high CPI. The fact that the ECB’s balance sheet has stopped increasing and that eurozone’s M2 is increasing at a slower pace than in 2020 and 2021 are factors that reduce the pressure on price increases, but this only means that, best case scenario, the ECB will be able to bring the CPI to lower levels. It is less likely that prices will return to pre-2021 levels. This would require a price deflation.

The real meaning of inflation

A distinctive feature of the economists of the so-called “Austrian School of Economics” is that they advocate a theory of money considerably different from that of their colleagues in other schools of economic thought. The differences between the aforementioned approaches already begin in the very definition of the word inflation and this will be the main topic of this article.

Is it wrong to use the Star of David to protest Discrimination?

The Yellow Star of David, which the National Socialists would make the Jews wear in order to stigmatise them, started to be used again, recently, with the wording ‘Not vaccinated’, by protestors against the mandatory Covid-19 vaccination and vaccine passport schemes. The mainstream media, outraged by this, labelled the action as radical and antisemitic. Is it really? Or is it just a way to make a political statement proportionate to the current government policies? I will answer this question through an analysis of facts.

The people in charge are doing a terrible job

We are used to seeing press conferences discussing what measures will be or have been effective at reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The media appears to assert almost axiomatically that if a restriction or mandate will reduce the spread of the virus, it should be implemented and there should be no further debate. Despite – at least in the case of the British Government’s SAGE committee – the dozens of fundamental u-turns on issues such as the safety of schools, efficacy of general mask usage, feasibility of herd immunity, and even Matt Hancock’s alarming uncertainty on the effectiveness of the vaccines, we are told time and time again to “trust the science.” To question their ever-changing gospel is to be “anti-science”, “a dangerous conspiracy theorist” and worthy of censorship, but scientific truth is decided by the universe, not by scientists.

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