by Charlotte D. | Jan 13, 2023 | Cinema
Idiocracy: from Fiction to Reality Idiocracy is an American science fiction comedy film released in 2006. It follows Joe Bauers, a US Army librarian, and Rita, a prostitute, who are both selected, as the most average people, to take part in a government hibernation...
by Charlotte D. | May 16, 2022 | Français
Élections Françaises : L’illusion de la Démocratie L’élection présidentielle française a eu lieu il y a quelques semaines et les résultats n’ont été une surprise ni pour moi ni pour beaucoup de gens. Dès le premier tour, il était clair que le gauchiste...
by Charlotte D. | May 16, 2022 | Politics
French Elections: The Illusion of Democracy The French presidential election happened a few weeks ago and the results were no surprise to myself nor to many people. From the first round, it was clear that the left-wing Emmanuel Macron would once again win and be the...
by Charlotte D. | Dec 3, 2021 | History
City air makes you free: How cities freed medieval people ‘Stadtluft macht frei’ (‘City air makes you free’) is a popular German saying, referring to a principle of law in place in Europe during the Middle Ages. This one would enable a serf living unfree under...
by Charlotte D. | Dec 3, 2021 | Português
O ar da cidade o torna livre: Como as cidades libertavam as pessoas medievais “Stadtluft macht frei” (“O ar da cidade o torna livre”) é um ditado popular alemão que se refere a um princípio de direito em vigor na Europa durante a Idade Média. Este permitiria que um...